Thursday, February 21, 2008

Chap 1-3

I found The Screwtape Letters to be an interesting read. I was hooked right from the introduction, based on the fact that is quite unlike any other book I've ever read. First off, I felt it was really unique to be telling a religious story from the opposite viewpoint - the side of the Devil and his minions rather than God himself. Every religious books seems to be from the Christian standpoint, so it was kind of a change to see things the other way around for once. I felt that because the book took such an unique viewpoint, it is full of humor, which makes it an even more accesible read. My favorite line from the first three chapters was on page 6, "Provided that any of those neighbours sing out of tune, or have boots that squeak, or double chins, or odd clothes, the patient will quite easily believe that their religion must therefore be somehow ridiculous." The only real question I have regarding the first few chapters is an allusion at the end of Chapter 3, "Remember the elder brother in the Enemy's story?". I'm wondering exactly who the elder brother of God is. Anybody have any insight into this?


Kenion said...

I definitely agree that the different narrative perspective makes this an interesting read. What I have found really interesting is the way in which the use of humor makes it hard to remember who is the protagonist in the story. The Devil is writing stuff that sounds really funny, yet the reader really wants the patient to win. It makes the story such that it's necessary to really stop and think about what was written a lot.

Eric said...

It's a reference to Luke 15, the story of the Prodigal (Lost) Son. We'll be discussing that story in class on April 7.

JJONES3 said...

I definitely agree with you and your post. It took me a second to figure out that it was written based on the perspective of the Devil. I think that it is a unique approach to discussing Chrisitanity. I think alot of the things that are said, are very humorous. Im looking forward to reading more.

JBickley33 said...

I also agree with your post. This is an interesting way of exploring Christianity, and I think it is beneficial to look at anything from a different view point, even if it is the devil in this case. It shows how human beings aren’t perfect in any respect, and that we are all capable of sin. However, I found it unique, and also quite disturbing that someone (Screwtape) would be advising another (Wormwood) on leading humans astray. No doubt this happens, but it’s just a little scary to actually think about. Taking a step back from the everyday bustle of life and thinking about spirituality and what we believe is a good thing.

DANNY'S BLOG said...

I agree that this is unlike anything I have ever read. The concept is pretty genius and creative. I cant say anything I have really heard of carries this kind of creativity. It is also interesting because it is a satire, yet carries a powerful and pretty creepy message. I can picture Screwtape dying and writing this pretty vividly. It is a pretty wild book 3 chapters in.