Thursday, March 27, 2008

Chapter 12

I felt the most interesting chapter of the assigned reading was Chapter 12, which discussed the patient and his slow dwindling away from the "Enemy". Screwtape talks about how it is good (in his view) that we as humans waste our time doing "neither what [we] ought nor what [we] like". I felt this as a big parallel to the discussion we had in class we had just before break, talking about the priorities activity and how much time we actually devote on spending time on those priorities. At the time, I felt as though I wasted a lot of time in my daily life, doing frivolous things and things that did not even relate to anything that was on my priorities list. Similarly, the patient is wasting his time "in the gratification of curiosities so feeble that the man s only half aware of them", or in other words, pointless things. These tiny wastes of time all add up and can ultimately have a huge negative impact upon our own pursuit of priorities. The patient is turned off to God by such distractions, and I feel like I am put off from all of my own priorities from these same distractions. One line that really seemed to sum everything up in the chapter was, "Murder is no better than cards if cards can do the trick". Overall, I really feel as if the content of the chapter had a strong connection to do with the in-class discussion we had about time and priorities. Ultimately, I feel like I need to start managing my time better and being more productive, focusing more on my priorities, rather than wasting my time doing feeble things such as checking Facebook, lying around doing nothing, etc.


Kenion said...

It's interesting to think about how many useless ways we can find to amuse ourselves these days. These certainly aren't the days when people would go to church because it was what they thought was the right thing to do, and the only thing to do for that matter. Ironically enough, I find myself in the battle of really useless things to do vs. not so useless things but still useless things to do a lot. I guess it's just part of living with the wonderful technology of today. It's great to have all the stuff we do, but it comes at a cost of being able to waste time so easily.

JJONES3 said...

I totally i agree with this. If I really sit down and think about all the time that I waste on facebook, watching talk shows, shopping, etc. on things that really dont matter i would probably be suprised. I wish I could devote more time to do things that are meaningful rather than on the computer or spending money that could be used in different ways.

charlene medina said...

I think that you made a very strong point when you mentioned that we waste time doing useless things rather than what we ought to do or what we like to do. I think that we tend to live under pressure and concerned about dumb things that we forget about what really matters. I feel that society also plays a role in that sort of thing, due to the fact that we also live under a social clock that is obviously imposed by society. We are concerned about accomplishing certain things at a certain time and block everything else.