Friday, April 18, 2008

Chap 24

The more interesting discussion that I found in the assigned reading was that of spiritual pride. Probably the most thought-provoking and profound lines in the entire reading so far was the fact that Screwtape considers spirtiual pride to be "the strongest and most beautiful of the vices" (pg. 130). This really is a relevant point and most certainly a true one. A lot of the time, some certain groups of Christian may come off as extremely self-righteous, believing that they are better than not only non-believers and those of other faiths, but also other groups of "lesser" Christians. They may think that if somebody does not believe in the exact same interpretation of the Bible and have the exact same views on faith and spirituality as themselves, that they are not Christians in fact. This kind of spiritual pride is actually an extremely big sin. The ignorance of these prideful Christians is exactly what Jesus says that believers should NOT do. In the eyes of Jesus, we are all fallen and fall short of the glory of God. Therefore, since we are all sinners, whether or not we are believers or not, we are all equal on Earth. People should love one another regardless of beliefs or strength of belief, and these with such extreme spirtual pride are simply blind to the world. Certainly, one should not every consider themselves and the group of people that they associate with to be above all other people, as this certainly has disasterous consequences, as in indeed one of the greater sins that one may commit.

1 comment:

Milli said...

I like your interpretation of the reading of chapter 24. I agreed in the saying that spiritual pride to be "the strongest and most beautiful of the vices" I believe a large reason I often get turned off to religion are due to the groups that you are speaking of which claim they are more self righteous than others, often when they are not. I believe that if one has spiritual pride it is no longer important how others are acting or concerning yourself with being the 'best' Christian but instead doing what you know is right.